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Technical Tips: How to preview movies from multi part .rar?

How to preview movies from multi part .rar?

Many people download all parts to check the quality of the current movie they are downloading not knowing that they can preview and even extract parted files without having all the parts...
It's sure frustrating to download a multi part movie, just to find out u already have it or don't want it. Using Winrar u can preview, not sure if any, but most movies just with one part of it. It have to be the 1st part, though.

To preview the movie e.g. .mpg- .wmv- .avi- .mp3-files by downloading only the first part.
U'll need:
1. Winrar Archiver
2. Password for the RAR Archive, if it's password protected
3. A Media Player like Jet Audio, WMP Classic, Winamp or WMP etc..............

This is how:
Lets assume that u want to preview a movie that has been divided into X RAR Archives named - , anynicepronmov.part1.rar, anynicepronmov.part2.rar, anynicepronmov.part3.rar and so on.

Download anynicepronmov.part1.rar and open it with Winrar. Cick the [ EXTRACT ]-button.

NOTE: Very important! Check the [ Keep broken files ]-box

To save anynicepronmov.part1.rar u, as usual, either enter a custom address or u leave it at default. Click [ EXTRACT ]-button. Enter the password if prompted and click [ OK ].

Now u'll be prompted to give the path for the next part. Just Click [ CANCEL ] and [ CLOSE] on the error-dialog that pops-up.

Find the path and the extracted file. There's ur preview. Play the file with ur default Media Player.
Sometimes while trying to preview .avi files u may get an error. u can remedy this by playing it in some other player.

Ur done and hopefully saved a lot of time and space... hehe...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, that was exactly what i needed to know now.

Alex said...

There are many rar archives on my computer. Some days ago I was in unpleasant difficult situation,exacter my rar files were corrupted and I decided to enter in the Google and started searching there right utility. And I was lucky and found it - recovery rar. The program solved my problem very easy and for free as far as I remembered. Moreover the tool helped some of my relatives...