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Technical Tips: Yahoo Mail Keyboard Shortcuts

Yahoo Mail Keyboard Shortcuts

Complete List of Yahoo Mail Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are always handy as they increase your productivity. Here is the list of keyboard shortcuts for Yahoo! mail.

* Check Mail - m
* Check All Mail - Shift+m
* Close Current Tab - Ctrl+\
* New Message - n
* New Message in its own window - Shift+n
* Reply - r
* Reply in a new window - Shift+r
* Reply All - a
* Reply All in a new window - Shift+a
* Forward message - f
* Forward in a new window - Shift+f
* Mark As Read - k
* Mark As Unread - Shift+k
* Flag - l
* Clear Flag - Shift+l
* Delete Item - Delete” key
* Print - Ctrl+p – or just p
* Save Draft - Ctrl+s
* Send Message - Ctrl+Enter (Alt+s also supported)
* Turn Reading Pane on and off - v
* Navigate through tabs—right to left motion - Ctrl+[
* Navigate through tabs—left to right motion - Ctrl+]
* Open message in its own tab - Enter
* Edit contact info - Enter
* Find a word or phrase in a message - Ctrl+f
* Expand window to maximum height - F11
* Skip to oldest unread message - Ctrl+Shift+End
* Move message to a folder - d
* Close read-message tab - Esc
* Start a new chat - Ctrl+Shift+c or c

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