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Technical Tips: Save Notes from your Mobile

Save Notes from your Mobile

Save Notes from your Mobile Phone and Access Online Anywhere

A notepad is very useful if you find yourself suddenly inspired by a new idea and want to write it down so you don't forget it later. But what if you don't have one handy?
npad is the electronic alternative to a paper notepad, and all you need is a mobile phone to save notes online on the go. You may not have a piece of paper and a pen at hand, but I bet you always carry your phone.
Once you register online and tell npad your phone number, you'll be able to text message any sudden thoughts that you want to save for later. You can retrive them later from your phone (via text message) or online via a computer. For faster searching, you can also tag your notes.
Of course, you can also use it to take notes as you browse online.
http://www.npad. com/welcome/

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