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Technical Tips: How to Erase the swap file at shutdown?

How to Erase the swap file at shutdown?

You might be concerned about someone browsing your users’ swap files and gathering up little bits of their sensitive data. A remote possibility, to be sure, but it could happen. For that extra measure of security, go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management

Set the ClearPageFileAtShutdown DWORD to 1. This will make shutdowns take longer, because it overwrites everything in the swap file with zeroes. Don’t turn this feature on unless you have a serious security threat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I usually let it erase the swap file, but not because I am concerned about security, but because this works around a bug with Windows shuting down and powering off the hard disk too fast, before the data has reached the magnetic disk. With it erasing the swap file, that data is just zeroes. Without it erasing the swap file, that data could be registry data.