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Technical Tips: How to hide files in an image?

How to hide files in an image?

Tools needed: Winrar or winzip...

Here I am trying to hide test.txt file in image.jpg file...


1. Put your hidden file (test.txt) and your image file(image.jpg) in the same folder(trick).

2.Put all these files into a RAR archive (Zip all the files). Here named this archive as Hidden.rar

3.Open Command Prompt and go to the folder where you place the files.

eg: c:\trick

4.Type the following command,

copy /b image.jpg + hidden.rar result.jpg

result.jpg is the JPG image file that we want to create.

5. Now you will have 4 files in the folder. image.jpg, test.txt, hidden.rar and result.jpg

6. If you open result.jpg file, you will see the same image like image.jpg.

7. If you open result.jpg file with WinRAR, here is what you will get (test.txt and image.jpg).

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